Who Are You?
That is where Harmonious Interventions wants to keep pointing you towards.
“Who Am I?” Who truly are you?
And, no, not your name, not your race, not your role as a father, mother, husband, wife, daughter, son, not your professional designation, not any of these identities/labels that you wear …..who are you truly when you strip all that off? What remains? Even after you go beyond your feelings, emotions, sensations, thoughts, dreams/goals/desires. Who are you? Even beyond your mental conditionings/constructs, your faith, your beliefs…, beyond the stories you tell yourself about yourself…
Who is the one aware of the awareness that he/she is reading this page?
After negating as… “not this” “not that” that Awareness which alone remains – That I AM.
Shri Ramana Maharshi
The Mission
Harmonious Interventions, as the name itself suggests, comes into play to harmoniously meet you exactly where you are, to gently intervene, remind you of your inherent power, and true identity, and aid you as you begin to express your true identity.
My mission is to free you from any aspect of yourself that is holding you back from shining your inner light, from manifesting the best version you can be.
That is precisely the reason why the content on this site aims to nudge you to expand your horizons…to go beyond outside…beyond your external world….to go Within.
- For, You are Not in this universe. The universe is IN You.
- You are Not in the world. The world is IN You.
- You are Not in the body. The body is IN You.
As Rumi says, “You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the entire ocean in a drop.“
And yet, you need to experience this yourself, beyond the seeming physical and mental limitations you perceive in yourself. You can experience it once you begin to trust yourself, and explore yourself with childlike curiosity.
In this journey of turning the focus from the external to the inner You, the aim of the content pieces in Harmonious Interventions is to guide you, much like signboards along any route, through the phases of transformation till you reach a level of stability within yourself.
Once you’re embedded in self-trust, any intervention/external guidance, signboard, or external teacher is no longer required. You become aware that You Are the Way. You’ll begin to express your Godly wisdom. For that is who you truly are – an expression of God/Oversoul/ Great Spirit/the Force wearing a human costume.
To start to know yourSelf, however, your faith in the old must die, for the new to be resurrected from the ashes.
Stop believing in God. Start Believing as God.
Neville Goddard
To think that you are a mere human being amounts to demeaning yourself. You are the embodiments of God. Develop such faith and become God.
Sathya Sai Baba
Harmonious Interventions provides you a safe space to open up, honour and release your difficult emotions, and embrace and transmute uncomfortable feelings to set the stage for your own freedom.
Be it physical illnesses or emotional issues, it all starts by changing yourself, by making a shift within.
I am here to aid you on your journey of manifesting your best self, especially during the transition period. The sessions and content here are meant to support you till you become aware of your own inner power and finally understand that you are the source of your own happiness.
You may have reached here seeking answers to physical, or emotional, issues. Whatever the reason, my goal through the content on this blog and as well as through the facilitating sessions is to enable and empower you to trust yourself enough to look within. EVERY. TIME. And in doing so, find the answers within. Because all that is sought lies within. The light is in you. You are the Light
So, Shine Your Light. It’s Time.
The content on this site primarily references and reflects the teachings of the Advaita teachers such as Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Sathya Sai Baba, Mooji, mystics like Rumi, Hafiz, Neville Goddard, and Florence Schovel Schinn, and also the present day pioneers of healthy mind-body living such as, Byron Katie, and Dr. Joe Dispenza.
- To know more about how I can help you, visit the About page.
- For details about booking a session with me, see the One-on-One Sessions page.
- If you have questions on the facilitating process, please see the FAQs page.
- To know more about the types of issues for which I take sessions, you can visit the Types of Issues Addressed page.
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