“Your thoughts create your reality.” This is the popular saying going around these days.
But, does it? Let’s breakdown each of the components – Thoughts, Create/Creation, and Reality.
Let’s start with ‘Reality’ first.
What is Reality?
The current meaning ascribed to the word “reality” is “That which exists,” which is absolutely true.
But is our understanding of it correct? Because what is real should be there at all times.
Since it is ‘real’ it should be permanent – that which never comes and goes, that which is never born and never dies…which always exists and is the Ultimate Truth.
So, what would we define as reality? That which we taste, smell, see, or hear? In other words, is all that we experience through our senses real? Do they exist forever?
They do not. What we experience through our senses can change at any moment and are transient. If something is malleable and transient, can it be termed as reality? Definitely not.
This means, based on the perception of our senses, what we term as ‘reality’ is a collection of facts. Facts that can change over time because facts are changeable.
So, how can facts be the Ultimate Unchangeable Reality? The Ultimate Truth?
Next is ‘Create’.
Creation is Finished
Well, creation is already over. All possibilities exist in the Quantum-field or call it Force-field or God-field. If creation is over, in the sense that all possibilities already exist, how can you ‘create something’ or ‘create reality?’
Is a Thought the Origin?
Next is ‘thoughts’. If thoughts create reality, is the origin of the universe a ‘thought?’ Is a thought the ultimate origin of everything? Are thoughts, therefore everlasting and permanent?
Are you a thought? Or something more?
Now we can take a look at You. Who are you?
Who am I?
Who in you is aware of reading these words in this article? Who in you knows that you are? “I AM?” or “ I Am Reading?”
Moreover, who in you is aware of the awareness of reading these words?
Go in. Enquire. Who?
There is simply an awareness watching the awareness of being ‘I AM’.
This awareness, even behind being aware, is You. The basis of all separation, existence, and finally, union – is You.
You are this Awareness, this Force-field, this God-field, Oversoul, I AM, Consciousness, God. And in this field, i.e., You, everything in time exists simultaneously.
Well, actually, there is no time, only Now. And this Now too is you. Without you there is no Now, no existence.
Including thoughts. They, too are creations and cannot exist without you. They come as a package deal with the states you inhabit during your day. Every created template/state/ possibility of existence already exists and has its own set of beliefs, tendencies, thoughts, and feelings.
Thoughts are Signs and Signs Always Follow
Signs follow, they do not precede.
Neville Goddard
You see signboards on the road guiding your direction after you set out on the road to go somewhere. You do not see signboards while sitting at home. Similarly, when you set out on a particular direction mentally, or emotionally, related thoughts appear.
Thoughts follow they do not precede.
Your thoughts are actually signboards along the way. They show you where your focus is headed. Your focus or attention is that with which you draw experiences into being. In other words, your focus is that which enables you to experience one possibility among the multitude of possibilities that already exist, by bringing it into your life as an experience.
So, what exactly happens when you affirm or select the thoughts you want to repeat in your mind to instill them as your new beliefs?
When you affirm or select thoughts, you consciously choose to see/believe the ‘signboards’. What you’re practicing by affirming, is believing without seeing. Or in other words, you’re practicing–
Your believing becoming your new way of seeing/vision.
You are letting your faith lead you.
How does this work? Well, you may have heard of the saying, “Birds of a feather flock together.”
It is the same with thoughts. When you focus or pay attention to specific thoughts, similar thoughts flock or identical signboards appear along the chosen path of your focus. Obviously, when you choose a certain path, you’re bound to see signboards of that area (vibe, energy frequency) leading you, further along, that path, deeper into that area (energy zone). You can choose to keep following the same direction or trail of thoughts, or you can decide to change your track with your focus, by choosing different thoughts.
Your Imagination is the Godfield/Forcefield Containing the Finished Creation
Apart from affirming, there is another way to go about changing your direction, that is by going directly into your imagination, and directly into your end goal/ desired state.
Your imagination is itself the God-field/Force-field where everything, all possibilities simultaneously exist. Consider that to be the mind of the Creator, the Absolute Being. And since time does not exist in imagination/Force-field, all possibilities occur there simultaneously.
Using your focus, you from this human form enter into the Force-field or the mind of the Creator. You become one with the Creator and all of creation and experience your end goal or what you desire in that zone.
I and My Father are One.
John 10:30, The Bible
What you are doing here is entering a state because all the different experiences we experience are simply states or pre-existing realities/templates.
In my Father’s house are many mansions; or, abiding-places, homes of rest and peace and sojourn.
John 14:2, The Bible
There are an infinite number of states. The state of health, the state of sickness, the state of wealth, the state of poverty, the state of being known, the state of being unknown – all are only states and everyone is always in a state.
Neville Goddard
You are simply choosing to enter into and dwell in a state, in a mansion, in a pre-existing template. In fact, you change states many times during the day, when you’re in a happy mood, sad mood, when you’re busy, thoughtful, or when you cross the drawing-room to enter into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee or tea…every one of these scenes is a pre-existing template or state. You make each state come alive with your presence. Without you, no state would exist. With you, each state contains a multitude of possibilities.
Furthermore, since every state comes with its own default beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and sensations. When you choose a state in your imagination, and dwell in it, let’s say in the state of your desired end-result, you automatically attract thoughts conducive to a matching mental diet and your desired happy ending. These thoughts or signboards, in turn, gradually lead you through a bridge of incidents to your end goal. Thoughts, therefore, are simply signs or signboards along the way. If you know the way, meaning if you have absolute self-trust, you need not look at the signboards. If you are starting out on your journey and need guidance, well then, thoughts are a good guidance system to help you see where you are currently, in relation to where you want to be.
Thoughts cannot create reality for they themselves are not real! They are passing signboards along the way. In fact, if you bypass the mind completely and enter into your heart space, thoughts of any kind will stop bothering you and you will not be dependent upon thoughts to lead you anywhere. Your heart is the direct connection between your Source, you, and your ideal desired state. This is the space which in fact nulls your beliefs, for it is the seat of the Source/God. It is the space that holds the energy of the true you – the Ultimate Reality. And truth, the Ultimate Reality always prevails, not your beliefs. Your beliefs are not universal truths though they appear to be so for you. In fact, the heart’s energy is extremely powerful to override any beliefs and break long-standing patterns in your life for good. But first, you need to connect with your heart, and listen to its guidance. This can lead you to the ‘reality’ you seek, which is actually an experience you’re mistaking for, and terming as ‘reality.’
In fact it is the other way round!
You are the Eternal Reality, the Infinity undergoing a transient experience on earth!
There is no ‘reality’ apart from you/outside of you. There is no ‘creation’ apart from you/outside of you.
Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are eternity and you are the mirror.
Kahlil Gibran
(The featured artwork above is by Meng-ju-Chiang also known as WandererLink in Deviant Art.)
Riyaz Khan
June 17, 2021 at 3:57 pmWell explained.
Anuja P
June 17, 2021 at 7:10 pmThank you Riyaz!