

The information provided on this website is to educate and inspire. It is not meant to be diagnostical or meant to substitute medical advice or treatment. Please feel free to read at your own volition.
I provide EFT scripts for wellbeing, but please do not consider them as a substitute for any advice given by a doctor or any other health professional such as those in the mental health field.
EFT and Emotional Freedom Techniques are registered trademarks of Gary Craig, but the scripts I provide here are my own, based on the principles of Non-duality (since EFT is a flexible process and can vary from person and person, based on their needs) and are not in any way a reflection of Gary Craig.

Also, the facilitations I provide as a service are not a substitute for medical advice, or any prescriptions provided by any doctor or any other health professional. If you choose to avail my services, you do it out of your own volition and with the agreement that you are ultimately responsible for your own well-being.

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